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Willem R. de Jong [11]W. R. de Jong [6]Wybren De Jong [2]W. de Jong [1]
Williem R. De Jong [1]Willem P. De Jong [1]Willem Martin de Jong [1]W. Martin de Jong [1]

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  1. The classical model of science: A millennia-old model of scientific rationality.Willem R. de Jong & Arianna Betti - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):185-203.
    Throughout more than two millennia philosophers adhered massively to ideal standards of scientific rationality going back ultimately to Aristotle’s Analytica posteriora . These standards got progressively shaped by and adapted to new scientific needs and tendencies. Nevertheless, a core of conditions capturing the fundamentals of what a proper science should look like remained remarkably constant all along. Call this cluster of conditions the Classical Model of Science . In this paper we will do two things. First of all, we will (...)
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  2. The analytic-synthetic distinction and the classical model of science: Kant, Bolzano and Frege.Willem R. de Jong - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):237-261.
    This paper concentrates on some aspects of the history of the analytic-synthetic distinction from Kant to Bolzano and Frege. This history evinces considerable continuity but also some important discontinuities. The analytic-synthetic distinction has to be seen in the first place in relation to a science, i.e. an ordered system of cognition. Looking especially to the place and role of logic it will be argued that Kant, Bolzano and Frege each developed the analytic-synthetic distinction within the same conception of scientific rationality, (...)
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  3. Kant’s Analytic Judgments and the Traditional Theory of Concepts.Willem R. de Jong - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):613-641.
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    Gottlob Frege and the analytic-synthetic distinction within the framework of the aristotelian model of science.Willem R. de Jong - 1996 - Kant Studien 87 (3):290-324.
  5. Bernard Bolzano, analyticity and the aristotelian model of science.Willem R. de Jong - 2001 - Kant Studien 92 (3):328-349.
    Quine's well-known ‘Two Dogmas of Empiricism’ (1951) plays a key role in the debate about the analytic-synthetic distinction. Taking to task the ideas of Carnap in particular, Quine shows that logical positivism works with a concept of scientific rationality that is based dogmatically on, among other things, the opposition analytic-synthetic.
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  6. Kant's theory of geometrical reasoning and the analytic-synthetic distinction. On Hintikka's interpretation of Kant's philosophy of mathematics.Willem R. de Jong - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 28 (1):141-166.
    Kant's distinction between analytic and synthetic method is connected to the so-called Aristotelian model of science and has to be interpreted in a (broad) directional sense. With the distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments the critical Kant did introduced a new way of using the terms 'analytic'-'synthetic', but one that still lies in line with their directional sense. A careful comparison of the conceptions of the critical Kant with ideas of the precritical Kant as expressed in _Ãœber die Deutlichkeit, leads (...)
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  7. Hobbes's logic: language and scientific method.Willem R. De Jong - 1986 - History and Philosophy of Logic 7 (2):123-142.
    This paper analyses the relationship between Hobbes's theory of language and his theory of science and method. It is shown that Hobbes, at least in his Computatio sive Logica (1655), deviates in some measure from the traditional (Aristotelian) model of language. In this model speech is considered to be a fairly unproblematic expression of thought, which itself is independent of language. Basing himself on a nominalist account of universals, Hobbes states that the demonstration or assertion of universal propositions presupposes speech (...)
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  8. Identities of Christian traditions.Wybren De Jong - 2001 - Ars Disputandi 1.
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    Did Hobbes Have a Semantic Theory of Truth?Williem R. De Jong - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):63-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Did Hobbes Have a Semantic Theory of Truth? WILLEM R. DEJONG 1. INTRODUCTION THE qUESTIONRAISEDin the title of this article may strike the reader as a bit anachronistic. A phrase like 'semantic theory of truth' evokes associations with rather recent developments in logic, especially the work of Alfred Tarski. Nevertheless, it is generally agreed that Hobbes made important observations of a semantical nature. Moreover, in an interesting article still (...)
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  10. Introduction.Arianna Betti & Willem R. de Jong - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):181-183.
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    Manipulative tactics in budgetary games: The art and craft of getting the money you don’t deserve.W. Martin de Jong - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (1):50-66.
  12. The axiomatic method, the order of concepts and the hierarchy of sciences: an introduction.Arianna Betti, Willem R. de Jong & Marije Martijn - 2011 - Synthese 183 (1):1-5.
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    Are speed/accuracy trade-offs caused by neuromotor noise, or not?Willem P. De Jong & Gerard P. Van Galen - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):306-307.
    Notwithstanding its overwhelming descriptive power for existing data, it is not clear whether the kinematic theory of Plamondon & Alimi could generate new insights into biomechanical constraints and psychological processes underlying the way organisms trade off speed for accuracy. The kinematic model should elaborate on the role of neuromotor noise and on biomechanical strategies for reducing endpoint variability related to such noise.
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    Een geschiedenis van het mid-denken.Willem R. de Jong - 1996 - Philosophia Reformata 61 (1):30-43.
    Een poging om de geschiedenis van een denkwijze door de eeuwen heen, in dit geval die van het schema van “het midden- en middellijkheidsdenken” , resp. het “denken in termen van ‘midden’ en ‘bemiddeling’” , kritisch in kaart te brengen valt op het eerste gezicht onder het genre Ideengeschichte of history of ideas. Zeker wanneer men ideeëngeschiedenis enerzijds enger, maar anderzijds daarbinnen weer breder opvat dan de invulling die Arthur Lovejoy daaraan gaf in zijn bekende The Great Chain of Being (...)
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  15. Formele logika. Een inleiding.Willem R. de Jong - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):738-739.
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  16. Formele logika: een inleiding.W. R. de Jong - 1988 - Muiderberg: Coutinho.
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  17. Grondleggers van de pedagogie(k): grote denkers over opvoeden: stemmen uit het verleden en hun weerklank in het heden en de toekomst.Willemieke de Jong (ed.) - 2022 - Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SWP.
    Grondleggers van de pedagogie(k). Grote denkers over opvoeden: stemmen uit het verleden en hun weerklank in het heden en de toekomst? Onder deze titel heeft De Vereniging tot Bevordering van de Studie der Pedagogiek (VBSP) haar tweejaarlijks congres gehouden. De foto op de voorkant van deze bundel symboliseert het onderwerp treffend: een opvoedeling omringd door bekende opvoeders/denkers zoals Janusz Korczak, Lev Vygotskij, Hannah Arendt en Henriëtte Pimentel. Wat weten we nog van deze grote namen? Wat waren hun opvattingen, wat was (...)
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    Institutional structures and variation of information: An international comparison of transport infrastructure decision-making.Willem Martin de Jong - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12 (2):52-74.
    Many analytical studies purporting to aid decision-making are produced and yet their contribution to actual decision-making is questioned. This article focuses on how institutional structures influence the way analytical information is actually used. A variation of information criterion for quality of decision-making is developed and used to analyze what types of structures incite actors to both generate and store a variety of ideas and arguments. An international comparison on transport infrastructure planning is used to demonstrate the relevant institutional mechanisms and (...)
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  19. Kants dialectische opposities: enige kleinig-en/of grotigheden aangaande formeel-logische reconstructies, Kants algemene logica en diens transcendentale logica. Author's reply.Wr de Jong & R. Wiche - 2000 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 92 (2):154-163.
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  20. Over Spinoza’s Verhandeling, vertalen en de methode.Willem de Jong - 2003 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 2.
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    Van redenering tot formele struktuur: enige hoofdstukken uit de logika.W. R. de Jong - 1981 - Assen: Van Gorcum. Edited by Wilhelmus Antonius de Pater.
    Inleiding in de moderne logica - met name de syllogistiek - bedoeld voor zelfstudie en inleidende academische cursussen.
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    Logika en rationaliteit.W. R. de Jong - 1982 - Philosophia Reformata 47 (2):134.
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  23. C. REGNERI "Demonstratio logicae verae iuridica". [REVIEW]W. R. de Jong - 1988 - History and Philosophy of Logic 9 (1):110.